Topical Oil 

Coverage = All over: Anywhere you have skin! Works for light to firm to deep massage. Can be used for the face as well.

When you want a “go anywhere” “do anything/ everything” product.

Feel = Like liquid satin on the skin. Readily absorbed into the skin without any “oily” feeling.

Stable at just about any temp. You can travel with it, but this is a very fluid product and may leak.  Glass container so use caution. 

 You can add essential oils for scent if you want. 

 You can use this to “super charge” the ReSqu Lotion or to other oils, lotions or creams


Rich Lotion

Coverage = All over: Anywhere you have skin! Perfect for any area large or small and for light to firm massage. can be used for the face as well.

When you want a “go anywhere” “do anything/ everything” product.

Feel = Smooth and silky coverage. Rapidly absorbed into the skin.

Stable at just about any temp. Great for traveling.  Glass container so use caution. 

 You can add essential oils for scent if you want. 

You can use the ReSqu 1000 oil to “super charge” the Lotion.


Creamy Balm

Coverage = All over: Particularly good for lips, hands, feet, knees, elbows, or any large area in need of gentle massage. 

When all you need is a dab or two.

Feel = Creamy and easy to spread. Nice thick long lasting coverage.

Sensitive to temps so not the best to travel with. Best kept at room temp.


ReSqu 1000 Butter by Tres Spa

Solid Butter

Coverage = All over particularly good for feet, hands, knees, elbows, or any large muscle in need of deep massage.

Great for athletes,  travelers, or “on the go”.

Feel = Nice thick long lasting coverage

Solid but will get soft if exposed to excessive heat. Best kept at room temp.




We all share one birthright, our position as stewards of the environment. Our quest for sustainability starts with all of the ingredients that go into each product. That is why we were so excited to find our supplier for  a truly remarkable Hemp Extract. 



Whole Plant 

Keeping the plants whole means that you get the full balanced benefits of the nutrients. For over a decade we have focused on creating products in harmony with nature. We blend some of natures powerhouse botanicals to make exceptional and highly effective products.

Our products are never polluted with synthetic chemicals and overly processed ingredients. 



Full-Spectrum CBD

We use a Full Spectrum CBD in formulating our skincare products. We feel that this gives you the highest level of botanical benefits. Keeping the whole plant extract in tact makes for a more balanced and more powerful product.


We Are Dedicated to Sustainable Personal Care

Tres Spa has spent the last decade building a substantial line of personal care products. We've done this focused on creating solutions that are plant based and sustainable. We took that same approach when being asked to create personal care rich in Hemp Extract. In fact, we resisted for a long time until we found the right producer. Find out more about us and the origin of the ReSqu products.